areas have become a refuge for many species that can adapt
to living in towns these include owls, badgers and foxes.
Small spaces in urban environments provide feeding stations,
nesting placing and hibernation sites, as well as contributing
to the quality of the local environment.
Sources of information to help you
get started
well as benefitting wildlife local air quality can be improved
by planting trees, as leaves filter and remove many pollutants.
A pleasant natural corner in which to take a break has also
been proven to reduce stress.
Look around your site and check out any areas
that could be improved both for you and wildlife. The corner
of a car park or a bit of waste land, anywhere you could with
a little effort provide food, water and shelter.
Getting started need not be a daunting task
even if you are not a 'gardener'. Put up a bird table and
in winter hang nut bags. Check out UK Safari for hints and
tips on how to attract wildlife.
if there is funding or voluntary help available to you |