Environmental Practitioner Programme...

The Environmental Practitioner Programme aims to develop skills at work for implementing better environmental practices.

Environmental Practitioner
This is somebody, like a safety practitioner, whom employers rely on and employees relate with. The key function of a practitioner is to improve work practices that reduce negative environmental impacts. In order to do that, a practitioner needs new environmental competences - the skills, knowledge and understanding to perform these new practices.

The Environmental Practitioner ProgrammeTM is particularly appropriate for people at work with some autonomy and some responsibility for various environmental functions. Team leaders, supervisors, union representatives and 'champions' are ideally placed to become environmental practitioners.

EP Programme
The Environmental Practitioner ProgrammeTM
contains in-depth information on all aspects of environment issues, environmental principles and work-related practices. This is a comprehensive resource for anyone wishing to know more about the environment and its relationship to work activities. Information, activities, extensive links to other web resources quizzes and games all help the learning process.

On completion of the Environmental Practitioner ProgrammeTM people will be able to put environmental principles and policies into practices within the workplace: During the programme of three units of about 25 hours each, they will

Unit 1 Develop Environmental Awareness

  • Review global environmental issues
  • Investigate the drivers for environmental improvement
  • Explore the dynamics of your organisation
  • Recognise environmental issues and how they may interact with the workplace.

Unit 2 Undertake Environmental Assessment

  • Check workplace performance
  • Carry out environmental risk assessment
  • Contribute to targets and indicators.

Unit 3 Commence Environmental Improvement

  • Recognise Environmental Principles
  • Put environmental principles into practice
  • Use tools for environmental improvement
  • Implement changes

Contact us to purchase a user licence or place the programme on their intranet systems should contact epaw

For full report of the pilots testing the Environmental Practitioner ProgrammeTM in a wide range of work situations.

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