What are Environmental Practices? |
Environmental Practices are actions or procedures people can follow at work to improve environmental protection. Depending on where you work, you can take a variety of actions to help improve environmental perfromance of your organisation. Many people can do a lot more than "switch the lights off".....
Where can you implement "environmental practices"? |
Any workplace, anywhere. We bekieve there are "generic" skills to improve environmental performance. There are generic management standards, so the same can apply throughout the workforce.
Who are the learning programme authors? |
Two of epaw Directors author the programmes. Dr Charlie Clutterbuck & Nancy Thompson. Both experienced teachers with extensive subject knowledge through working in the environmental sector.
How do epaw on-line programmes work? |
The EP@W programmes works with the 3e's - environment, education and electronic to provide a novel e-learning tool to support people directly at work. Over 75% of all business can access this resource now.
Where did the term "environmental practice" come from? |
The 1999 World Health Organisation (Europe) Health & Environment Conference called for "environmental practices" in every country. The UK governments Trade Union Sustaianble Development Advisory Committee (TUSDAC) says its aim is to involve trade unions to "become involved in the move towards better environmental practice in the workplace. Ep@W follows existing management standards ISO 14031 & EMAS to work out what other employees, working in partnership, can do.
Does Environmental Practices fit with Environmental Managment Systems |
There are no specifi requirements in an EMS for "environmental practices", although there are requirements for all employees to be aware of procedures.
What does the Environmental Practice Toolkit cover? |
This Toolkit is a vast resource and includes comprehensive easy to follow texts, activities to help promote environmental practices, in-depth study material, links to external and up to date web pages. Web links cover everything from the latest theories on climate change to where to check changes to legislation that may affect your organisation. We link with many national and international organisations who have approved the links.
What are your other Programmes? |
We are developing a range of related courses for various levels in the organisation and on a variety of environmental related issues. e.g there is a guide for managers in small business to link the ways of dealing with health with the best of the environment, and the best safety. This online guide was produced for WHO European region and is morrored on their site
Why are environmental issues and sustainability so important? |
Can you answer the question: " Can we go on doing this idefinately?". If you answer yes, then this isnt your programme. If you say, no, then you may just be starting a journey on how to make a difference.
Please contact us if you have any further questions |