Water, water everywhere, but not a drop to
It may sound strange that with more flooding we need to better
conserve water. All water used in the UK, whether for washing
up, for the toilet, washing cars or any number of industrial
processes uses water that is drinking water quality.
Compare that with many parts of the world, where millions
of people are suffering because they do not get access to
fresh potable drinking water.
environmental principle Water Control relate to better understanding
of the water cycle.

need to control quality, use and flow of water. This involves:
- Preventing
pollution, safe-guarding supplies.
- Choice
of water - whether to use potable or grey
- Conserving
water, by reducing leaks and wastage.
- Managing
flow, to develop equity in supplies.
Environmental Conservation measures can help to secure supplies
of water. More trees and better use of plants help to prevent
flash flooding, caused by the increased use of tarmac/concrete
preventing excess water being absorbed.
Examples of better water control include using
"Grey Water", Porous Cities, and Less bottled water.