Step 2

IDevice Icon Step 2 How may the hazard cause harm


For each hazard, you need to know how the harm may be realised and who may be harmed. This is the "risk". There are different ways of seeing risk - depending on the angle you are coming from. e.g If you are looking into a spray you will probably assess the risk differently from somebody stood a mile behind the spray.


 some workers have particular requirements, eg new and young workers, new
or expectant mothers and people with disabilities may be at particular risk.

 cleaners, visitors, contractors, maintenance workers etc, who may not be in
the workplace all the time;

 members of the public, if they could be hurt by your activities;

 if you share your workplace, you will need to think about how your work affects
others present, as well as how their work affects your staff – talk to them, and ask them what they think are the main risks to their health

IDevice Icon Step 2

1: Give an example of risk in your workplace

2: Show the risks associated with two hazards

Hazard Associated Risks

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Risk Assessment Level 3