Risk Image
H&S Risk Assessment


2.2 Complete task specific risk assessments appropriate to agriculture/horticulture


Risk Assessment is a legal requirement for all employers, who can appoint a competent person to carry out the task.

The aim of risk assessment is to determine the priorities for action. The risk assessment should be proportional to the risks involved.

Risk Assessment offers the opportunity to look at what goes on at work, to see if there are reasonably practicable measures that can be taken to reduce risk (next step)


Identify all workplace transport used on the farm and select one particular aspect of transport use:

1) Look for the Hazards. Note them

2) Print off attached form and complete.

3) Evaluate the risk. Use our Matrix

4) Decide whether existing conditions are adequate. ...Should more be done ?

5) Repeat for TWO of the following:

Falls from Height
Machinery operation
Manual Handling
Work with animals
Slips, trips and falls
Substances hazardous to health
Confined spaces
Lone working

Mark Scheme

Evidence that demonstrates:

Recognition of hazards, what harm may be caused to who.

Computation of severity and likelihood

Assessment of adequacy


Transport - Tractors, quads, FLTs, cars trucks, PTO, Yard, Ploughing, Spraying

Hazards - Biological, Chemical and Physical hazards

People - Workers, Contractors, Visitors, Family, Children, young workers, trainees, members of the public


HSE Steps to Risk Assessment (pdf)

Slips, trips and falls. HSE Guide (pdf)