Dear Contact,
We were waiting for summer, so didn't get out much - which explains this lot....
And then there are our other sites.
Health &
Safety Practices
Can you allocate roles re
H&S at work? Try with H&S
Drag n Drop to test your skills.
LANTRA Awards H&S 4 Ag/Hort Level 3
(pdf) is ready to pilot using our new SCORM compliant e-learning materials. The union Unite's Farmworker magazine Landworker Aug 07 carries an article on its front page welcoming these new Ag/Hort H&S quals.
BSI have a new version of the H&S Management system (OHSAS
18001) - now a standard called BSOHSAS18001:2007. It emphasises 'health' more and has new elements to investigate accidents and implement the hierachy of control. It also encourages participation and consultation. Order
Direct from BSI
Congratulations to Hazards on 100th edition (What they say about Hazards), which "has not only
survived litigation, libel charges, government monitoring, greylisting and a
declining union membership, but has got bigger and better!" - since the Birth of Hazards Bulletin. The Environment Workshop at Hazards Conference July 07 helped create How Trade Unions
can Save the Planet"...