Dear Contact,

We are celebrating our 10th birthday! We have been through some changes in that time, when we had great hopes that the government was really encouraging education, environment and electronic access to all people wherever they work. Recently food has become an issue of environmental and social concern. We have learnt how to improve the environment at work and applied this to food. We welcome Sustainable Food Production Standards produced by the Sector Skills Council 'Improve'. These can "provide the specialist knowledge and skills needed by people who are responsible for developing and supporting sustainability in a food environment at a strategic, management and operative level". We will use these for our Sustainable Food Guide..
Carbon Counting

EU carbon emissions in 2008 were down 2%, thanks to la dash for gas - rather than recession or energu efficiencypolicies.

Check out our "portal search" engine which searches top 100 carbon sites.

Keep your eye
on our Noticeboard in

graphic:link to Carbon home

for all latest developments in the low-carbon world

graphic:link to sustainable food home Sustainable Food.
We are still No1 when you google "sustainable food", which means a lot of people are linking to us Our most popular pages are 'labels for sustainability', food security
and update of all latest reports.

Charlie has been appointed as Specialist Adviser to the parliamentary EFRA Select Committee on "Food Security to 2050"UK . ..and of course we have a page to give you easy access to the oral and written evidence.


Co-operative Plan Bee went public in March. We are helping them to screen out the "Neo-Nic" pesticides from their supply chain using our online databases. See how with Pesticide Reduction Programme.

Carbon Counting

EU carbon emissions in 2008 were down 2%, thanks to a dash for gas - rather than recession or energ efficiency policies.

Check out our "portal search" engine which searches top 100 carbon sites.

Keep your eye
on our Noticeboard in

graphic:link to Carbon home

for all latest developments in the low-carbon world

Health & Safety Practices

We have produced online learning materials for the H&S qualifications for farming that we helped to develop. These are freely available in an attempt to help reduce the appalling fatality record in UK farming. The latest Ethical Trading Initiative's UK Growers Handbook adopted by four of the largest food retailers now recommends that thier supppliers SHOULD encourage the uptake of these qualifications!! Yes.

H&S Home