This unit looks at the role of carbon in organisations and its impact on the environment. The learner will count carbon use, first as an individual and then within an organisation
Carbon Counting
Know why organisations need to count carbon
Understand the role of carbon in global warming
Know thw worldwide initiatives to control carbon dioxide emissions, including Kyoto and Emissions Trading.
Know the main sources of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere
Understand carbon use in your won organisation
Environmental costs
Understand the impact of carbon emissions (carbon dioxide Co2 methane CH4) on global warming
Know the advantages and disadvantages of different ways to control carbon emissions eg reduce emissions at source. Carbon capture. Sequestration Offsetting
Know the environmental and financial costs to future generations - Stern Review
Know what can be done to count, monitor and reduce carbon emissions
Managing carbon
Understand methods of controlling carbon usage
Know how this can be applied in your own workplace.
Know how to measure and monitor carbon use.
Understand the importance of , and how to gain, employee support for a "low-carbon" organisation