have been some horrendous incidents of chemical contaminations
affecting workers and nearby communities.
Bhopal in India in 1984. At least 2500 people were killed when Methyl Isocyanate fumes escaped from the Union Carbide factory. A further 10, 000 were seriously injured and 20,000 disabled and over 300,000 suffered other forms of injury. Wiki Bhopal
Montana, Mexico, 1981: chlorine release; 29 killed, 100 injured, 5000 evacuated.
Seveso, Italy, 1976: dioxin escape; many children disfigured by chloracne, 4450 acres of farmland poisoned, 100,000 grazing animals killed, 1000 people evacuated.
These are examples of gross contaminations. Smaller amounts over longer periods of time contaminate the air, water and land, often unnoticed.