
Too many trees are being felled, threatening soil preservation and threatening to affect climate change.

Forest area in britain increased by a half between 1970 and 1995, mainly conifers. But there are still vast tracts of land that would benefit from planting mixed tree cover.

Shelter belts provide better environments for nearby agriculture and for a wide variety of creatures.

Forests cover about one third of the world's land surface. They help regulate the climate, maintain water supplies, and generate many products.

Once the trees go, especially on hillsides, the land can erode leaving a barren waste, that cannot easily be replanted. The climate may change too.

The rainforests are often called the "lungs of the world" because they breathe in carbon dioxide and breathe out oxygen. 40% of the tropical rainforests have been lost in the last 25 years. Taking forest away also reduces the gene pool and biodiversity.

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