Autumn 2007

Dear Contact,

Has the Autumn edition arrived before summer? Just like the weather - which explains this lot...

Carbon Counter is a brand new up to date site -  not  for individual carbon footprinting,  but for organisations. While presenting and collecting much information about the world of carbon, we have added more interactivity for you to respond to -  Carbon Quizes Carbon Contenders Search Top 100 carbon sites.   See Features for more. One particularly new feature is a "Wiki-ed" page (more about the  ' Wiki 'Way ' ), so that you can help develop the roles and responsibilities for people in organisations to count carbon. We are going to "launch" this site in Manchester, later this year. Would you like to attend the launch? and suggest someone else who should be invited Mail us  graphic:link to Carbon home

And then there are our other sites. ..

graphic:link to sustainable food home Sustainable Food.
Make your own sustainable meal - without any shoping! Just Drag n Drop a Sustainable Meal.  You can 'Screengrab' (hit "prtScn button), Save ( Ctrl + S) and Send (via email file) to friends to compare meals. Let us know if you have more foods with the sustainable indicators for carbon, water and health.
We have been working on how to make our ideas for sustainable food become real. See Proposals for changing subsidies to Common Agriculural Policy after 2012, These proposals follow discussion that our Director Dr Charlie was involved with as a  member of the Food Ethics Council -  click for their latest magazine all about CAP 

EPaW Home

New! There is a VRQ "Developing Environmental Awareness", provided by NWOpen College Awarding Body. This is for managers (level 4) and supervisors and union reps (level 3) who may be be involved in developing environmental awareness for all staff (level 2). The qualification is level 2. We are producing learning support materials to help tutors.

H&S Home
Health & Safety Practices 
Can you allocate roles re H&S at work? Try with H&S Drag n Drop to test your skills. 

Both TUC 'Risks' and Unite's Farmworker magazine Landworker Aug 07 publicise: "Farmworkers get new H&S qualifications". This includes LANTRA  Awards  H&S Ag/Hort Level 3  (pdf) which is ready to pilot using EP@Ws new SCORM compliant e-learning materials.

BSI have a new version of the H&S Management system  (OHSAS 18001) - now a standard called  BSOHSAS18001:2007, which emphasises 'health' more and has new elements to investigate accidents and implement the hierachy of control. It also encourages participation and consultation. Order Direct from BSI

Congratulations to Hazards on 100th edition (What they say about Hazards), which  "has not only survived litigation, libel charges, government monitoring, greylisting and a declining union membership, but has got bigger and better!" - since the Birth of Hazards Bulletin.  The Environment Workshop at Hazards Conference July 07 helped create How Trade Unions can Save the Planet".