Environmental Practice @ Work
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The UK Government Energy White Paper 'Our Energy Future - Creating a Low Carbon Economy' (Feb 2003) endorses the need for new skills to bring about a step change in energy use:
"We aim to achieve a better and more appropriately skilled workforce to meet our energy objectives - which means adopting a common approach that connects supply and demand for skills development"

EP@W was commissioned by the government's 'Action Energy' programme to produce a report aimed to identify ways workforce skills in energy efficiency and environmental protection can be developed. We need to work out what people can do at work differently, based on the various environment principles such as energy efficiency and cleaner production. Employees can turn these principles into work practices that make improvement in energy/environmental performance that would otherwise be difficult to see from outside. The carbon savings could be enormous.

Technology can provide carbon savings. However, technologies need people. People use and choose technologies. Employees could learn to look for ways to do things differently - much more than just switching the light off. Systems could be set up for people to identify possible savings at all levels, from which machines to purchase, to all sorts of ways to do things that use energy efficiency or use more sustainable energy forms.

Journal Articles
Sustain - Built Environment Matters: EPAW argues that a more inclusive framework is required for environmental training in the UK

For latest on sustainability skills development.

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