Welcome Portsmouth University students to Environmental Practice @ Work!
During your course, you will examine how the environment and work interact with each other. We hope these online resources help you work out how environmental issues may impact on your organisation over the next few years. And work out what you can do...
If you are going to be a manager with environmental responsibilities, you will want to know how to allocate roles and responsibilities for others. Our programmes are designed for people at work at all levels - e.g "Workplace Wellbeing" is for managers of small companies, "Environmental Practitioner" for people with freedom to move around, and EASE for all employees (top menu bar). Follow these programmes and you can see what can be done in organisations, both public and private. We would like these e-learning materials to support you and provide you with a variety of ways to improve environmental perfromance.
The Environmental Practitioner Programme sets out a structured learning programme that takes you through the main environmental issues and how you can tackle them in a coherent way. This involves assessing the risk and then identifying the main environmental principles for reducing negative impacts. Throughout the Environmental Practitioner Programme you will find activities and quizes for you to carry out to find out more about the particular issues and direct you in ways to make improvements. There are also links to outside sources at appropriate points so you can dig deeper into each of the areas.
Environmental Practitioner Toolkit We have divided the programme into a selection of tools for you to use whenever you wish.
Click graphic for toolkit
Navigation Find links to our other programmes along the top menu, these deal with issues such as "sustainability" and how better knowledge and skills at work can make a difference. The 'Support' drop down menu leads to sources of other information within Environmental Practice at Work. The left hand navigation takes you to links within Portsmouth University.
We are constantly updating our programmes, in exchange for free access to our programmes please use the feedback button top right to send us your comments and suggestions. Thank you.
These materials have been made available to Portsmouth University students by Environmental Practice at Work Publishing Company Limited and are hosted at http://www.epaw.co.uk.
Their availablity does not constitute an endorsement by Portsmouth University of either the on-line learning materials or other information found within the site.
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