
This Sustainable Food Guide sets out simple steps to follow to implement a system at work that promotes sustainable food. The system is based on successful 'quality' production which is a process based on Plan-Do-Check-Act. (More)

Take the following steps in the process:

Review: Find out what you are already doing
Policy: Develop the commitment of the organisation into a statement of intent
Involve: Involve and enable people to contribute
Target: Set acheivable targets for people to see and aim for
Implement: Introduce procedures to effect change
Check: Measure and monitor progress
Promote: Tell others

and then continually improve..

Implement a SF process and develop skills at the same time.

A key element in successful implementation is the involvement of staff and other stakeholders. To facilitate this and to develop skills at the same time, the guide gives direction to the manager, key staff and all staff.

This classification corresponds with the skills levels determined by the national training framework - level 4 for managers, level 3 for skilled workers, and level 2 for all staff. While there are not yet National Occupational Standards for these skills, your organisation could give some sort of recognition for this capacity building.

As citizens we may have a conscience but as consumers our pockets come first. People in organisations can do more than individual consumers. By acting together we can act on our conscience while using the extra power bulk purchasing provides.

Take your first step...Review what your organisation is doing

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