Environmental Practice @ Work
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  What is Environmental Practice?...

Environmental Practices are those work practices that reduce impacts upon the environment.

Turning environmental principles into practical actions.

Environmental improvements and progress towards sustainable development can all be measured useing the following principles:

  • Precautionery Principle
  • Cleaner Production
  • Resource Use
  • Energy Efficiency
  • Waste Hierarchy
  • Water Control
  • Environmental Management
  • Environmental Conservation
  • Eco-design

Employees are probably the most valuable, but largely overlooked, resource for making environmental improvements at work. There are generic environmental skills to improve environmental practices, that can be developed for every worker in every workplace and at the various levels within.

EP@W is campaigning for national recognition of environmental skills. People should be able to improve environmental practices in the workplace and achieve nationally recognised awards for these new vocational skills.

All our programmes are designed to help you improve environmental practices within your work place and are based on national and international standards of best practice.

EP@W programmes develop new skills that enhance the environmental performance of businesses through employee participation by:

  • - developing environmental and sustainable skills within and across internal business functions
  • - encouraging competent environmental practitioners to be catalysts for change
  • - exploring partnerships with the community, regulators and other businesses
  • - focusing information and skills on the practical issues of current business activities
  • - balancing social, economic, political and technical inter-relationships
  • - providing employees with environmental skills and knowledge essential for the profitability and future of the business and to be ‘engines of change’
  • - providing tools to apply lessons from work at home and in the community
  • - develops employee’s abilities to take responsibility for their personal impact
  • - materials can be used over and over again as a research and information tool
EPAW mission
To turn complex environmental and sustainable development issues into practical solutions.

To promote improved environmental practices by developing employee skills across all industry sectors.

Rather than tell people to turn the lights off, turn the people on instead.

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