"We have got to do something about our energy strategy because if we permit the climate to continue to warm at an unsustainable rate, and if we keep on doing what we’re doing 'til we’re out of oil ...
it’s inconceivable to me that .. the world won’t be much fuller of resource-based wars of all kinds."
Bill Clinton June 2006
Carbon Ownership - Information
From BP Global
The big five major oil companies own the distribution networks where they exert control. ..examples.....Profits.
Relation they worry about supplying oof Oil to US government. VP Cheney previously head of Halliburton (link to their site), who received billions (b..ilions) to reconsrtuct Iraq. But we know the invasion of Iraq had nothing to do with oil, as the Prime Minister told us. And then there is Condeelaza Rice, now SoS, who was VP of Exxon in 1990s where?..
In Afganistan - othing to do with Oil either, as John Reid told us. ..
Similar in UK - BP pipeline (with massive UK funding) from Baku - Ceyhan. Explain how this opens it up for Turkey and Israel to ship China.
Oil is traded in dollars, although two major producing states have suggested opening up a trading bourse for oil in euros. One was the late Saddam Hussain when president of Iraq and the other is the present president of Iran, Almeidinajad.
Many sectors now part of the the Emission Trading Scheme. The biggest polluters were given - that's right given, permits to pollute with carbon dioxide. this is part of the Emission Trading Scheme.. These polluters - who we thought were supposed to pay for their pollution, are given credits instead. They can then sell these credits if they dont use them themselves..So the biggest polluters own carbon dioxide credits.. ..Link to
Plan - Next Page
We compete rather than cooperate in managing scarce resources. Yet energy security and climate change could be treated as an oportunity as well as a danger. The shared risks of running out of oil and heating the planet could lead to common action rather than conflict. We know this is hopeful, but that is what this site is dedicated to doing.