Environmental Awareness
graphic Apple
CO2 Modal
Energy Information

Collect information about any number of sources of energy use: boilers, building fabric, catering, compressed air, energy management, lighting, monitoring, motive power, office equipment, process heating and cooling, space heating and cooling, transport, waste minimisation, and water heating.

Collect energy use data from all sites. The sources of data for the most common types of energy used are:

  1. Electricity data from electricity bills or meter readings (measured in kWh)
  2. Natural Gas data from gas bills or meter readings (measured in kWh or therms)
  3. Coal data from records of quantity supplied, weigh hoppers (measured in tonnes, or kWh)
  4. Refined Petroleum Products data from pipeline measurements (measured in tonnes, litres, kWh or therms depending on the type of fuel)

Look at how you are using energy at work (click here for larger image)

Energy @ Work

link to transportLink to enenrgyLink to AwarenessLink to pollutionLink to waterLink to waste
Produced by Environmental Practice at Work Publishing Company Ltd. Copyright 2007