Your most significant aspects are those where legislation applies. During your initial review you will have noted several activities and resources where there is a legal requirement to fulfill certain obligations.
There may be other legislation and/or codes of practice that apply to your activities of which you are unaware. Your business must be able to recognise where there are legal obligations and ensure that systems are in place to conform to those obligations. To find out more about which environmental legislation is pertinent to your activities visit the Environment Agency web site NetRegs and search by sector. Developed by the Environment Agency, NetRegs aims to help small businesses identify and comply with legal requirements relevant to their activities.
Care must be taken to identify all possible hazardous wastes, these are defined as wastes that may be harmful to human health or the environment. These waste may be classed as hazardous and have flammable, toxic, corrosive, or ecotoxic properties. Again a search of NetRegs by hazard, environment or sector will assist you.