In step 6 you will:
- Recognise
the need for a public report
Identify main features of a HESSME report
the improvements being made inside and outside the company.
A HESSME should cover the company policy on each, use of resources,
demonstrable improvements in business efficiency, and benefits
to environmental impacts, all against previous and future
targets. You will consider who will be given the key elements
of the report and how that is communicated.
other stakeholders want evidence of good environmental or
health performance and there are several organisations looking
to produce standards of good environmental reporting. There
may be future legislation for EU countries for reporting environmental
costs in companies' annual reports.
If you wish to join the EMAS scheme you will be required to
produce a public statement. Making your plans and performance
public helps demonstrate your commitment to improvement. Many
will be very interested in the benefits achieved. It may come
in useful at a future date when you are want some permission
(for waste/discharges/planning) from your Local Authority.
report helps benchmark performance in Health, Environment
& Safety between different enterprises of the same industrial
branch or located within the same community
on the outcome of your progress, whether or not you achieved
the targets set.
report should:
Describe HES in your business - current best practices
Reflect the principles outlined at the beginning
Explain why HES is important to your business - reflect
relevant principles
- Identify
any changes which may have affected HES (You may have been
affected by acquisitions or mergers or by part of a process
being contracted out, become subject to new regulations/legs/,
changed a process, diversified product range etc)
Outline what were the objectives, their targets and indicators
- Describe
performance against these targets. Praise achievements explain
reasons for any deficits
Set out your good practice objectives and targets for continuing
the report include Indicators? If so, see a good example of
European Environment Agency report based on transport
indicators .
You may find the following sources useful:
on Environmental Reporting
Integrated HSE reporting from Solvay .
OR enter your report
Gallery of Awards for Environmental Reports
Health Organisation 2002
Authors: Dr Charlie Clutterbuck & Dr Bogdan Baranski