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Carbon Counts

Some examples of how people and organisations 'count carbon'..


Have you noticed that the new Climate Change Bill looks remarkably like the ASPO Oil Protocol ? The proposed CO2 annual reduction of around 2.5% is roughly the same as the expected decline in global oil production capacity. More in 'Target'


It has been calculated that in the US between 1994 and 2002, about a million extra tonnes of fat was added to the collective american skeleton. As fat is about 3/4 carbon, this means US citizens 'sequestered' nearly three million tonnes of carbon dioxide about their person (US emits about 1500mt in total). More on calculation from New Scientist. More in 'Fat'


Waste and Resources Action Programme (WRAP) Food Waste Report estimates that we discard 1/3 of the food we buy, equal to 6.7 mt of carbon (Food Waste pdf p4). Food production, processing, distribution and storage accounts for about 20% of all GHG emissions. If food waste was reduced to zero, there would be a saving of about 7% of all UK GHGs. More in "Sustainable Food" - another EP@W site.

Christian Aid have calculated that the UK 'carbon footprint' is not 2% but 12-15% of global total.

Virgin boss Branson says: "Airlines can cut carbon dioxide emissions by 25% in 2 years". His Pendolino trains advertise in March 2007 as: "emit 76% less CO2 than cars and planes."
Dead forest According to Delft Hydraulics, every tonne of palm oil results in 33 tonnes of carbon dioxide - about a third lost from the drained peat bogs and the rest because forests have been burnt to make way for the plantations. That is 10 X more than petrol produces. There are 2 billion tons of CO2 lost like this in Indonesia and Malaysia - about 8 percent of the globe's fossil fuel emissions.

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