have probably noticed already that your place of work does
not throw out great plumes of smoke into the air, or dump
tonnes of industrial waste all over the place. Notice that
most of the environmental impacts that take place are outside
your direct control.

typical factory or office looks clean. The plumes are not
smoke but steam. The soap suds in the river do not come from
the factory but from washing machines in homes. Environmental
impacts emerge when you asked questions such as - where does
the energy come from? how much transport is required? where
does the food come from? and where does the waste end up?
you turn on the light, you do not see any impact on the environment,
although there is one.
The impact is indirect. It is not at your workplace but at
the power plant that generated the energy to transmit to the
bulb. Likewise if you work in a power plant the direct impacts
are the result of the generation process; the indirect impacts
are those caused when someone else uses the power you generate,
eg to operate machinery. Direct impacts you cause and have
control over. Indirect impacts are those you have very little
or no control over. All your direct and indirect impacts are
interconnected, although it may be difficult to track all
the correlations.