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Six Steps to Put Code into Practice

You are going to follow a series of steps to identify what you can do to help reduce pesticide use.

Step 1 look at present pesticide use, and check that everything is being legally complied with. As many of you are involved with Assurance Schemes, these will be a benchmark to make the further reductions the Co-operative would like.

Step 2 check whether your pesticides are prohibited or monitored by the Co-operative

Step 3 measure the present usage and Step 4 review practices - both before during and after application. This determines the main "problem areas" and priorities for action.

Step 5 set local targets agreed between the Co-operative, suppliers and growers.

Finally, Step 6. The benefits from reduced usage are identified in terms of social, economic and environmental impacts.

Your findings will be forwarded electronically to the Co-operative Retail Group database and used to identify where support is most needed and to build up examples of good pesticide practice.

You can see the steps in the left hand column. Use these buttons to navigate you through the programme.


Co-op Retail Staff: People responsible for purchasing according to the Co-operative Criteria
Suppliers to Retail & Raw Material Suppliers: People who arrange for supply of produce (from Farm Gate) to Co-operative and or to Ready Meals Suppliers
Ready Meals Suppliers: People who gather produce and prepare food for Co-operative
Growers: People who grow and harvest produce - to Farm Gate
Agronomists: People who advise and support growers to comply with Co-operative Criteria

image: footprint in sand

Before you begin you need to determine where you are in the supply chain and which steps are relevant to you, your role and your company's activities.

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