The principles of the AWBO is to have a formal structure for deciding on the minimum rates of pay and other terms of employment for farm staff. The Order itself is has the force of law and specifies minimum rates of pay for 6 grades and 4 categories of worker...
Grade 1 Initial Grade
Does not fall within any other grade or category of worker.
Grade 2 Standard Worker
One vocational qualification from Appendix 3 (e.g. relevant S/NVQ or BTEC Diploma) or
One Certificate of Competence marked with a tick under the grade 2 heading in Appendix 2.
H&S VRQs at level 2, 3 or 4 are ticked only as an option!
Grade 3 Lead worker
One vocational qualification from Appendix 3 (e.g. NPTC/C&G National Certificates) or
4 Certificates of Competence including mandatory CoCs specified for Grade 3 in Appendix 2
H&S VRQs at level 2, 3 or 4 are all optional
Grade 4 Craft Worker
One vocational qualification from Appendix 3 (e.g. S/NVQs Level 3 or Level 3 Diplomas)
8 Certificates of Competence including mandatory CoCs specified for Grade 4 in Appendix 2
As with Grade 3 H&S VRQs at level 2, 3 or 4 are all optional
Achievement of this grade leads to an increase in pay 12% above the minimum (grade 1)
Grade 5 Supervisory Grade
Grade 6 Farm Management Grade
Full Time Flexible Worker
The last 2 grades and the FTFW does not specify qualification requirements.