Water Resources Act 1991 seeks to maintain and improve the
quality of controlled waters - lakes, rivers, ponds, groundwater
and territorial seas.
The physical and chemical parameters that the UK measures
include temperature, dissolved oxygen, Ph, suspended solids,
BOD , phosphorus, nitrates, phenolic substances, ammonia,
zinc, and copper.
Quality Objectives |
cannot allow polluting matter or solid waste to enter controlled
waters. You cannot discharge anything other than rainwater
to surface water drains, without the consent of the EA.
Companies wishing to discharge effluent to sewer must obtain
and pay for a consent from the local sewerage undertaker,
according to the Water Industry Act 1991.
The Environment Act 1995 places new duties on water undertakers
to promote the efficient use of water by its customers, and
on sewage undertakers to provide first time sewerage connection.