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STEP 3 Measure Use
ICM - Use of Pesticides

Crop Protection Chemicals

Produce supplied to Co-operative Retail should be grown with the minimal amount of pesticide needed to achieve economic yield and quality required by the specification.

Suppliers must first make full use of non-pesticide measures for the control of pests, diseases and weeds including the selection of resistant varieties as well as cultural and biological forms of control.

Crop protection chemicals must be chosen with regard to the Co-operative Retail hazard profiles i.e. consideration should be given to operator safety, persistence, leachability, mobility, bio accumulation, toxicity, carcinogenic, endocrine disrupting, reproductive and mutagenic characteristics, and the effect on non-target organisms, crop beneficials and minimising the likelihood of resistance build up.

Pesticides should only be applied when pest levels reach a critical threshold. They should not be applied routinely at set time intervals. Preventative measures such as those detailed below (Stepwise Process), should be utilised to help reduce the use of control measures.

Risk assessments in use should then be carried out.

More information on risk assessment from Health and Safety Practices

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