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Performance Standard 7.

Indegenous People (under construction)

Indigenous Peoples are often among the most marginalized and vulnerable segments of the population.

Their economic, social and legal status often limits their capacity to defend their interests and rights, and may restrict their ability to participate in development. They are particularly vulnerable if their lands and resources are transformed by outsiders.

Their languages, cultures, religions, spiritual beliefs, and institutions may also be under threat.

They may suffer different types of risks and severity of impacts, including loss of natural resources and exposure to disease.

Create opportunities for Indigenous Peoples to participate in, and benefit from, procust/process-related activities.

Play a role in sustainable development by promoting and managing activities and enterprises as partners in development.


§ Development process foster full respect for the dignity, human rights, aspirations, cultures and natural resource-based livelihoods

§ Avoid adverse impacts of projects on communities of Indigenous Peoples or provide opportunities for development benefits

§ Establish and maintain an ongoing relationship with the affected Indigenous Peoples

§ Foster good faith negotiation with and informed participation of Indigenous Peoples

§ Respect and preserve the culture, knowledge and practices of Indigenous Peoples