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1. Pollution Prevention, Resource Conservation and Energy Efficiency

2 Wastes

3 Hazardous Materials

4 Emergency Preparedness and Response

5 Technical Guidance

6 Ambient Considerations

7 Greenhouse Gas Emissions

8 Pesticide Use and Management


Avoid or, when avoidance is not feasible, minimise or control the release of hazardous materials

Hazardous materials may arise during production, transportation, handling, or storage

Avoid the manufacture, trade, and use of chemicals and hazardous materials subject to international bans or phase-outs.

Materials may be hazardous due to their high toxicity to living organisms, environmental persistence, potential for bioaccumulation, or potential for depletion of the ozone layer (relevant Conventions)

Consider the use of less hazardous substitutes for such chemicals and materials..

Check hazards of your chemicals - NIOSH Guide

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