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1. Pollution Prevention, Resource Conservation and Energy Efficiency

2 Wastes

3 Hazardous Materials

4 Emergency Preparedness and Response

5 Technical Guidance

6 Ambient Considerations

7 Greenhouse Gas Emissions

8 Pesticide Use and Management


Refer to the current version of the EHS Guidelines when evaluating and selecting pollution prevention and control techniques for the project. These Guidelines contain the performance levels and measures that are normally acceptable and applicable to projects.

The IFC EHS Guidelines are technical reference documents that address IFC’s expectations regarding the industrial pollution management performance. They assist managers and decision makers with relevant industry background and technical information.

The EHS Guidelines consist of industry sector environmental guidelines contained in Part III of the World Bank Pollution Prevention and Abatement Handbook (PPAH). There are 73 EHS Guidelines covering sectors and processes.

When host country regulations differ from the levels and measures presented in the EHS Guidelines, achieve whichever is more stringent.

Less stringent levels must be justified.

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