Our programmes focus on what you 'can do'. To help develop the necessary underpinning knowledge, we have developed activities and educational games to help reinforce learning.
Follow the links at the left to try out more programme samples
Try out our new Sustainable Food Awareness Programme..click icon
Helps you learn what sustainable food is all about. Suitable for employees, students and anyone interested in food.
Our Sustainable Food Guide explains what you need to look for when when buying and eating food. We keep all our programmes up to date and to give you an idea of the level and scope of the information in this guide, have a look at our "latest food scare".
You can provide the requirements of the training element of ISO 14001 with EASE - the Environmental Awareness Scheme for Employees. We have included samples of activities and accompanying information to give you a taster.
Environmental Practitioner Programme, samples include a 'snapshot' tour across the whole programme and our Aspects game - developed as a response to users during the piloting phase of development.
Sustainable Development The great challenge of sustainable development is balancing our consumption and production patterns with the sustainable resources in the world and ensuring that all people have an equal and equitable share, both now and in the future. We ask how this is possible and help you develop the tools to start this process. Follow the ten screens in the sample tour to get a feel for the skills needed to promote sustainable development.
And do you fancy trying some online quizes? (In "Support"/Quizes) Our quizes check your underlying knowledge of the issues to be addressed. Dont worry if you don't 'pass' - these quizes were developed to check knowledge AFTER carrying out particular parts of programmes. Here is a quiz specifically for Pesticides.