
IDevice Icon Who is most at risk
Risk Assess

Decide who is most at risk?

In terms of deaths: In last ten years

  • 160 were employees
  • 265 were self employed
  • 64 were members of the public, of which
  • 32 of these were children under the age of 16 years old (6 children were killed last year)

Self-employed people have been increasing relative to the employed. The rate for the self-employed and family-farm sub-sector is consistently higher.

There is a dramatic increase in the total temporary labour force. Over half a million now work in agriculture, horticulture and on-farm product processing. 

IDevice Icon Activity

The 5 most common causes of death are being struck by a moving vehicle (22%), falls from a height (16%), being struck by a moving or falling object, eg bales, trees etc (14%), being trapped by something collapsing or overturning (11%) and  contact with machinery (10%);

The most common Illness arsing from work on the land is some form of musculoskeletal injury (aches, sprains or strains) (80% of workforce at some time in their working lives. Twice the national average of people are affected by asthma and ore than 20 000 people are affected by zoonoses (diseases passed from animals to humans) each year. 25% of the workforce suffer some hearing loss from their work.

You will find more details of the causes of accidents and ill health in LO6

IDevice Question Icon What are greatest Risks?
When working on a farm or holding (in UK), which of the following presents the greatest risk - in terms of deaths?
Livestock (Cows, Sheep, Pigs)
Falling from a height (through fragile roofs, trees etc).
Transport (being run over or vehicle overturns)

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Working Safely (in Agriculture & horticulture) (c) Environmental Practice @ Work Ltd