
IDevice Icon Benefits

The main benefit of regular checks of vehicles, work equipment and safety equipment is to ensure reliability of operation. Systems...

Checklist also offer potential to see how things are working in practice. However well intentioned things do not always work out as planned. Checking enables everybody see how policies turn out in practice,

..To ensure suitability for task to be performed
..To check adequacy of protective devices provided

While the law requires certain standards, we should always be trying to improve. Most management systems require continual improvement, and find this to be a good driver. Checklists can be used to monitor improvements. With new technologies, electronic checklists & databases provide all sorts of possibilities to assess state of health and safety affairs.

Look at Checklist below (checklist.doc) and make three additions to any chosen section..(see if can get better checklist)

Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 License

Working Safely (in Agriculture & horticulture) (c) Environmental Practice @ Work Ltd