Particular Risks

IDevice Icon Particular Risks

There various groups of people who are at particular risk in the agricultural/horticultural environment. Because farms are often homes as well, and places to visit, particular risks are posed to people who are not in regular employment on the farm. The risks posed are exagerated by lack of awareness of hazards/risks involved.

This may not be rectified by if the vulnerable people are not able to understand instructions / communicate effectively. Any safety messages need to be reinforced and checked for effectiveness

Because of the complex mix of hazards, special recognition needs to be made of the lack of physical/mental maturity of some groups - particularly children, and the unfamiliarity with the
workplace hazards in general. For those not used to the pressures of work there are unseen / unknown risks

Other groups that need to be considered are the elderly - who now comprise a higher proportion of the permanent workforce, as they are more vulnerable to injury, ill health & infection

There are also difficulties in summoning assistance, that should also be considered...

Employers have responsibilities under Health and Safety Act to take care - as far as is reasonably practicable, of those not in their employement - visitors, contractors, children etc. They need to recognise the importance of awareness and supervision (of at-risk groups) and other employees need to carry out the necessary measures with extra vigilance.

Possibly the most haunting deaths are those of children on farms. Look below and identify the 5 main causes of deaths to children on farms.

IDevice Icon Particular at risk
Look at case study below regarding supervision of children. What two lessons do you take from this case?

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Working Safely (in Agriculture & horticulture) (c) Environmental Practice @ Work Ltd