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1.Human Resources Policy

2. Working Relationship

3. Working Conditions and Terms of Employment

4. Workers' Organisations

5. Non-Discrimination and Equal Opportunity

6. Retrenchment

7. Grievance Mechanism

8. Child Labour

9. Forced Labour

10. Occupational Health and Safety

WORK PLAN 1 (as in ISO 4.3.1)
1 Assess Aspects on Work Conditions

Situate in present locality

Explain situation, circumstances and other company initiatives. Describe the operations, where it operates, and how S&E performance fits with existing programmes.

Assess Social and Environmental aspects.

Outline what comes in, what goes on, and what comes out. Determine the impacts on people and the plane. Priotorise the most significant (explain) impacts.

MAKE ACTION PLANgraphic: arrow